What to Expect?

MONTH 1: Within 30 days, you'll notice a shift in your gut microbiome, leading to reduced bloating, gas, burping, and flatulence, especially after heavy meals.
MONTH 2: After 60 days, you’ll experience healthier bowel movements and a decrease in constipation. You may also find relief from symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, and nausea.
MONTH 3: Your gut microbiome will be healthier, leading to better nutrient absorption. You'll also find that cravings for processed foods diminish as your gut bacteria improve. Notice improvements in mental and skin health, along with increased energy and appetite.
*Each person's body responds uniquely to various factors, including dietary supplements like gut gummies. This variability in response is known as bioindividuality. So, while our gut gummies have been designed to promote digestive health and well-being, individual experiences may vary.*
Are there any side effects of Gut Good gummies?
Our gummies are FSSAI approved and are 100% safe to consume. These gummies do not cause any harm, but we still suggest going through the ingredients list once to check if you are allergic to any of the ingredients
When and how much should I take?
They can be taken any time during the day, but we recommend post-breakfast, post-lunch or as a mid-day snack when you have hunger pangs, cravings or need a sugar free energy boost. We recommend up to 3/day for adults and 2/day for children between ages 4-8 years.
Does it contain sugar?
Unlike other gummies in the market, SOL gummies are 100% sugar free.
Is it safe for pregnant women, diabetic/PCOS/PCOD and children?
Yes, our gummies are FSSAI approved and are 100% safe to consume for pregnant women, children, diabetic/PCOS/PCOD patients. They do not cause any harm or side effects. We always suggest consulting your doctor before taking them if you are pregnant. We also suggest going through the ingredients list to check if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
What are the various types of fibre?
There are 2 different types of fibre: Soluble and Insoluble fibre. Most plants contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, but in different amounts. Soluble fibre dissolves in water and Insoluble fibre doesn’t dissolve in water. Both are important for health, digestion, and preventing diseases.
How much fibre does Gut Good provide per serving?
It provides 5.5 g of prebiotic fibre per serving.
Disclaimer: Statements are based on clinical study of ingredients.
Click here for reading the published studies.